Right before your eyes.
Are you tired of chasing pretty rainbows?
Wednesday, December 27, 2006

What is a classic really? Apa itu sebenarnya klasik? It's not a fad,so your current craze for vintage dresses doesn't count.But your old Bacckstreet Boys or Westlife or Mariah Carey's Vision Of Love does cause it's and eternal guilty pleasure.Something refined and elegant like your clutch bag can be called classic.It's also something nearly unparalleled and always popular like dirty matini. And even if it was a display of bed acting,the classic teen TV series is and always will be Beverly Hills 90210 because it set the formulas we see today on The O.C. and the like.

Classics never really go away. They may be forgotten for a while but they always come back,perhaps in a different form but with the essence retained.Think Clinique's classic three-step beauty regime.(i'm using it,been using it for a very long time u know) Though we now have extras like serums and scrubs,the core remains cleansing,toning and moisturising.

We hang on to the classics because they never fail us.Take it from history,a classic will last for life

marfi @ 11:45 PM

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Perhaps it's because I'm a Gemini,but I've always felt like my emotions swing exrtremes.Take for example, my self-belief.Some days I feel so confident Mount Everest looks like a mere hump in the road.Other days,every molehill is a mountain. Back when I was still studying,I generally felt pretty unsecure about myself,even when harbouring infatuation toward males whose hormones were bouncing off the walls.I soldiered on through my Primary and Secondary years,having serial crushes.In some cases,I had no qualms about making the first move. But after a few failed pathetic-lame-oh-so-romantic sorties,I found my self-doubt resurfacing with a vengeance.Depending on the time of the day, and whether I was PMS-ing, my thoughts ranged from, "Of course there is someone out there for me!" to "It's not me,it's them" to "So I'll just be one of those cool single women.Cats make a pretty good pet anyway."

Okay enough about the self-story telling.Lets move on with some old ripe example.

Example of the "he" and "she"
(imagine it's a continue from the above)

Then she started seeing someone.Three years after she was nursed,and had worked hard to snuff out,this Great Crush of her life,he entered her life again and told her he liked her and they would formed that often-smuf entity known as a couple.

She,however hated to admit this,but being with him has boosted her self-confidence a lot more than all the rah-rah-ing she've done before the mirror and the "You go, girl!" books she've memorised.

Then I came in(means back to my-say,short while only)

Accepting my body,similiarity to teapot and all,is one thing.Having someone tell me said body is not just fine,but fine, is another thing altogether.You know those polls in magazines claiming that woman tend to find themsleves fatter than guys think they are? I'm not sure how true this is,considering the number of times I've heard hideous-looking males criticising the appearance of random women, but in this case, I am more than happy to be statistic.

Shopping trips often leave me feeling homocidal because finding trousers that fit is almost impossible(thanks to Asian sizing and mom's hips,back when she was young), and my boobs were not made fro the so-called free size tank tops stocked in most of the local shops.But it's hard to feel bad about my body only if someone comes and tell me with the appropriate lasciviousness, that I look ravishing.

Then the "he" and "she" story chime in.Her say.

On the other hand,he sometimes unwittingly sends into big-time body purgatory .She recently got a new skirt for the first time since,oh,the Berlin Wall. When she suprised him with this quasifeminine getup,he was accordingly appriciative and complimentary . But what she didn't count on was what he said,in a tone of awe,when she slipped into her new towering espadrille wedges: "Wow, your calf muscles are really big.You look like ...a cyborg!" He topped it off with the dom dom dom sounds an appoaching giant might make.

(Back to my say)

Now guys listen up.You can be huge Gundam fans and total slaves to science fiction, but you do not compare a woman to a half-human,half-robot creature with limbs that flatten buildings and crush entire cities.Trust me, the way to reassure us after we get all paranoid about our lower limbs or fatty jelly belly is not by saying,"So? Good what.You have runner's legs" or "So? Good what.Its a safe protection for our future growing baby who's inside the tummy" The correct thing to do is to positively compare us to Gisele even our total height is probably equivelent only to the length of her thigh bone.

marfi @ 7:29 AM

Sunday, December 03, 2006

*laughs*okay okay..

Dear Readers,

Have you ever have a friend who almost make you laugh everyday,and when laughter happens it has to be those torso-pinching laughters.If you must have,paste their pictures on your blog and label them 'Your Funniest Friend-cum-Clown'.You might want to use some of the ways which I had done below.*laughs again*

My friend who was born with a a humourous talent:




EVIL SWEEPER,okay whatever i think its funny thats all.hurhur

And lastly,this is my most favourite picture of all
Jefferey's humour picture collection.

*pig,just by looking at your face can make me laugh my blood out*

So if your friend has what it takes to be the
next 'Friend with the most humourous look',
paste it in your blog.*hehe*

okay i bet jeff's angry with me once he chanced upon this,alah taik i treat you gelare ice cream ok and one kish.ehehhe

marfi @ 1:32 AM

Friday, December 01, 2006

Have all of us,subconsciously or not,lose faith in sustaining relationships?

During our parents' black-and-white days,women were expected to marry the first guy they met and pledge to stay together forever.But our generation is a cynical bunch.Increasingly, when we hear about newly-formed couples,we would all go,"I give them three months,six tops." Why the scepticism?(i'm scepticism at times too) Are we too consumed by HEADS- the Happily-Ever-After Deficiency Syndrome, that we've grown bored of love and butterflies-in-the-stomach feeling it brings?

Of course, there are exceptions.There are still hopeless romantics who shed tears of joy when they find out their butchers' daughter finally got hitched to the man of her dreams.They're also the ones who genuinely believe their own Prince Charming is still out there even after failed relationships(im included here). And when Prince Charming does finally arrive, he will stay by their sides and protect them from evil relatives and fire-breathing bosses.

Most of us call them too idealistic,immature even.But the presence of these hopeless romantics injects a dash of hope into today's otherwise sad love stories.Accounts of unhappy couples and broken marriages are surfacing quicker than Brangelina(Bratt pitt and Angelina) can walk down the aisle, if ever. I have friends who have been single up till now,not because they haven't found the right one but because they're afraid of getting hurt.(im very scared of this f.y.i)

I dare say most of us crave intimacy and stable relationships, but there's just this niggling fear in us that makes us hold back from truly believing that what we want is possible. Perhaps we've been betrayed by someone we trusted or perhaps we've seen couples close to us-even our parents- go their seperate ways after solid years of romance. I,in fact contracted HEADS after witnessing seemingly happy couples head to Splitsville without any danger signs.But that does not mean I have stopped believing in the fairytale romance altogether.

marfi @ 12:07 AM