I could not think straight,my train of thoughts was often interrupted my the invisible upwelling of tears. I just wanted to bawl my eyes out and let the world carry on without me.But there wasn't any will nor key to get me there.
Racing past my head was the last images of our fondest memories.I remembered feeling hesitant about the whole idea of telling him,cause I know the consequences of it was as painful as losing a limb.I never understood why I had to be such an unfortunate party to suffer this ill-fate.
The only reason why I had to choose this option was due to the low inner strength imposed on me. It was really something I did not have and I saw risk-taking was the only way to not aggravate the matter. The birth of the news was not even intended but still, I did not hate myself for feeling bad nor guilty and therefore continued with my principle. Anyway, the proclaimed serene;did not even give a hoot about it and I see no reason why I should worry away.
But looking back on the pain I had to endure, it was hard to not feel dejected. Afterall, it was not some ordinary pain, it was going to be months of sheer torture. But to not add insult to the injury, there was still people who helped me alleviate the burden off my shoulders. And I wanna thank you people and god for not letting go any belittlement nor humiliation on me. These million parings of heart flesh will soon or later be passed on to someone else. Realising itself a ninny,will happen.
Whenever I decided my mind about something, it was almost impossible to ditch the decision after much thought. I had not had a proper sleep nor appetite(please,don't think I'm indirectly trying to gain sympathy,soo not that type of person.Can't bear bottling anyway) since the day I first ,found my choler rising about it.
Now that I had thought it through, my heart an mind had set on it. And so, I need to went ahead with the decision half-heartedly, I vowed never to look back and move on, or at least pretend to.
marfi @ 12:54 AM
Yes yes yes! 5a2's Racial harmony day was a superb blast! My wonderful clear camera pictures will tell you more about what had been happening just now.haha,okay okay so here's a quick recap.Got ready your tissues already?Cause you're going to cry of laughter.heheh

I got school a little earlier as mentioned by ain but i still thought i was coming as usual(i'll come only when the gates are half closed).So since there were some time left,we took a quick snap of ourselves actually just to see if we were looking really fine.
This was when we girls vein-ly check our dressing,make sure there were'nt any wrinkles and as we add on a little touch of eyeliner on our sleepy eyes.

haha,so cute of syuh grinning mischeviously.10 points for her coolness! :D

Jeff were shouting for zai from the third level,since i could hear him why not take a pic of him.RiGhT?hehe,i think jeff looks adorable,just like the bear in my room.:)
During physics,me and the girls thought Mrs Chew resembles a karung guni woman with a little amp pouch wrapped around her little waist.HAHAH! still cant slip it off my mind.Try visualising Mrs Chew in a loose whute songket baju kurung,her hair still long staright with bangs which are soo-china vintage and a mic amp hung loosley around her waist.HAHAHAHAH! i thought it was really funny.What a comedian.Technically,these were what we were doing during physics.Well,I did my experiment though.
Lu chong gua.hahah! Actually she wanted to say gua chong lu.LOLS.Soo typical of claud.
And here's the rest of the happy moments.
A quick snap with Mr trevor,our "dear" humans teacher.Although he may he such an ass at times by picking on me almost all the time,he looked rather cute on the picture above.10 points for Mr Trevor!! Hooray!
The western stall was usually packed with greedy and impatient customers,so since its going to take 10 minutes of our recess period,the girls and I started cam-whoring as we thoguht it would be a perfect time killer.
(bad looking all adult)
makcik kpo siti kite yang paling ter-lame sekali terselit kape dol? ahhaha!!!! suke sebok sebok siti?:p
Err,the 5 unprofessional silat-tians?I hope not.
A total chinese picture of best buddy hakim and sizzling me(eheh).Kim told me I was looking boiling hot just now,somehow i thought hakim looked equally hot too.I mean seriously:)
My best blessings for the both of them,hope they will be together tilll eternity.
For a while i felt like a grandma,her grandkids kissing her.aww they love me.I love you guys too.i love you all more then my bed.
Mat was asking jeff to opened the locked door,so for a while me and syuh thought it would be a great deal by posing and making fun of mat by covering his ass with my fan.
the gay couple dancing together.mat muke pencil sey.hahah!lol
hahahahhahahahahahha!hahahahahah! you alomost made me pee in my pants sia! you bloody pig u.Pose bapok sey.haha.The best pose for today man! 50 points for Pakcik Rahmat Rahim!
the totally crammed up face.Thats jeff singing us a malay song.This hope-will-get-us-motivated-by-the-richness-of-malay-language song.what budaya song lah.
5A2 CAMARADERIE!!!!!!!!!!!
Carol Lau.the best teacher ever!.love you;)
Fashionistas best friends forever.lalallalal!
Gay ass boys.aww
jeff hugged me till i couldnt breathe,he purposely covered my noes with his scarf so that he could raped me after i dropped unconcious.whahahah!
sorry ain,spare me a litttle tinny witty bit of limelight.
Guess who's voluptous ass is this?
hahhah! OKAY i bet you know who it is now.Hope she dosent finds out about this.nyahahah.awesome pictures huh? firstly i would like to thank my fantastic camera and also ehem ehem my also another fantastic photographing skills.So did you visit the toilet or wet plys of tissue papers?
Toodles: D
marfi @ 5:50 AM
I hope im not too late to publish my family's holiday pictures during the late june holidays.They;my family and cousins all went off to kelantan earlier and left me all alone in singapore(boohoo)cause i had to attend my coursework B training module course.But,i still get to catch up with all the fun at pulau redangg.Syuh's another bug in the ass,cause she's been pestering me for the pictures.woops.eheheh.So,enjoy the pictures folks

while the aunties(that's my mom at the picture above heheh) checked out the kains...my cousins took a quick snap of this old lazy dozing off.Good job guys.HAHAH.muke kuih bantal sey
And here comes the pictures of me and family while going off to Redang island and while we were there.

beautiful isnt it,the vibrance of the green effect.

here i am,still very sleepy and tired form the 9 hour bus ride.thanks to hakim for borrowing his magnificent PSP(ehem ehem).

scene of the fantastic sea upon reaching

okay you might wanna consider that this beach is a zillion tons better then sentosa.okay like duh.tsk(thank god i have great opportunities to go here)

and lastly a picture of some comercial shoot for india.Awesome =D
marfi @ 1:02 AM

Due to such a strong heart and determination,yes!They do deserve to win.Although they were'nt the winners of today morning's world cup match,they were indeed HEROES!



No doubt they dont deserve to win, why? cause all they were looking for on today's morning match was;PENALTY! Super clearcut dude! All they were fucking doing was defend. Defending like a huge school of dumb fishes. Imagine,if the defence were'nt that much,would they stand a chance to win? Obviously not,duh! They were'nt attacking,NOT AT ALL! Doesn't that shows taht italy were just a bunch of LOUSY-LOSER-COWARDS! I bet their plan for this match was to pretend real hurt on every fucking minute so as to gain as much penalties as they could.My god.
For your information, they didnt win the game due to their fantastic kicks,but due to desperation. Fuck u all italians.
marfi @ 5:51 AM