Thursday, June 29, 2006
8.58 P.M
''For in its innermost depths youth is lonelier than old age." I read this in some book and I've always remembered it, and found it to be true. Is it true that grownups have more difficult time here than we do? No. I know it isn't. Older people have formed their opinions and don't waver before they act. It's twice as hard for us young ones to hold our ground, and maintain our opinions, in a time when people are showing their worst sides, and do not know whether to believe in truth and right and God.
Anyone who claims that the older ones have a more difficult time here certainly does not realize to what extent our problems weigh down on us, problems for which we think we've found a solution, but the solution seem able to resist the facts which reduce it to nothing again. That is difficulty in these times; ideals, dreams and cherished hope rise within us only to meet the horrible truth and shattered.
I have strong senses which ables me to know the truth untold. I found my choler rising.
marfi @ 6:01 AM
Monday, June 26, 2006
Emotic hunk

Arggh! How faster can he melt me,he's fuggin hot baby!Emo boy. I know there's no way I could get through him cause his on the other side of the earth, but who says sheer admiration is something I shouldn't desire.
marfi @ 6:33 PM
Wednesday, June 07, 2006
I was browsing my brother's documents when I chanced on this file,feeling my fingers itchy,i got hold on th

Hehe,how bitchier can i get.Their faces werent shown,and if,i wont show exactly.heh.I was killing boredom when i stumbled on this picture.yikes,i thought.I thought it was really disgusting.I mean its like,to have your butt rubbed against someone's dick.Bluegh!
Ouh and dont you dare think thats my brother on the picture,cause that's not not him.He's just the photographer.The guy's face was'nt shot maybe because his face was showing that he was all steamy and all.Those are his LaSelle Friends.Ugh.Anyways,this picture recently taken at MOS.And no,he didnt went to the underage party.He's legal anyway.Duh.
Even if i hit the club,i would'nt want to grind on some fat asshole's dick.
marfi @ 9:09 AM
Saturday, June 03, 2006
It effects alot when people call you names espicially when they think it wont hurt you much.I should not have been to grams place yesterday it was horrible.The people have had mouths opened so...err..nevermind.Let me just briefly tell you readers what happened.
At grandma's place,where all the cousins were there.We were having a illegal gathering.When......
Man A
Man B
Woman A
Woman B
Woman C
Woman D
Girl A
Boy A
Boy B(the sickly irrirating monster)
Act 1
In the kitchen fetching some drinks;coke.
Man B:Eh you so fat already! what's your waist size?30?(giggles)
Man B:29?
Me:No.Rolls eyes bitchily.
Man B:THEN WHAT 28??
Man B:27??
I had to walk off,because I dont think i should be listening nor answering him.
Act 2
In the room,sitting on the bed while fiddling with my handphone.
Woman A:You put on weight ar.Wah,fat sia.That time saw you still very slim.Now! aiyoh(laughs enjoyably)
Me: Ya i know.trying to surface a not obvious hurt me,i delibrately laughed too.
Me: Ha......Ha.....Ha.....
In my mind:You sick scumbag.
Act 3
Back to the kitchen,my thrist was increasing so I was pouring some drinks when..
Me: Hey what are you eating?hungry ar?
Man A: Ya lah hungry lah,haiyah.
Me: Slurps syiok-ly
Man A: what happened to you ar? Why so fat already?
Me:huh?really ar?ha....ha....(i had to do a fake one)
Man A:hahaha,fat ar you..hahahahha.
Me:You mother fuck,i should not have start the conversation.
Act 4
I need to run away from the guys,so i opt to sit with the ladies,thinking they would might have a softer heart with a more understanding mind.But
Woman B: eh ayu,you fat already ar?whut you eat?
Woman C:everyday meat ar?chicken?nevr eat vegetables right?
Already shrinking Me:i do eat vegetables,they're like my favourites.
Woman C:But why fat?should be like your sister, small and slim.
Woman D:Ya,i agree.seriously
Woman C:I dont think you eat vegetables,sure everyday eat chicken and tidbits right?
Woman B: No wonder the body like that.
Woman B: Y,thats why.
Woman D: musn't eat chicken everyday know,later you will ve very fat.Its unhealthy too.
Boy A and B:MOK!heheh.see the arms,bigger then mine..hehe!Mok!
Me:Fuck you all lah!!!!!!!I dont eat chicken everyday okay! and i do consume 2 servings of vegetbales and fruits everyday!!!!And I don look at my servings!!
Yes yes if only i could say all those above,but it was only a little thought i had in my mind.
One more word,and im turning to bullimic.I swear.I fucking swear.
marfi @ 11:57 PM