Tuesday, May 30, 2006
sofie nevu is the extreme

I went to catch Davinci Code yesterday together with my cute sister,and the show was superbly awesome.Can't it get any better.And in the show,chanced Sofie Nevu,the extrememly hot and sexy French lady.It's no wonder how tom hanks could gaze favourably at her. On top of that,the language she used;French was too pompous somehow boys slaver aimlessly wetting shirts.haha
I was suppose to get to the movies to watch a show with hakim and gg today,but somehow or rather,mum settled her plans already and intend to have me accompany her.okay okay i'll accompany you.Sorry kim,sorry gg.:( But taik u can still save the other free ticket for kelly poon.nyeheheh!
Oopps,i almost forgot,i owe hazeeq a testi.Really need to write him one,or he wont stop crawling and beating my head with a coca cola bottle.
Got to run!!!!!!!!*shouts*
marfi @ 11:04 PM
Sunday, May 28, 2006
happy birthday to me
ye yes yes! today is my birthday,but why must it crash on sunday?And due to that,i cant get live birthday songs and wishes..nyeh.Boring..but well at least,my friends and family still has the ordacity to text,call and spout their wishes and blessing,and for that i feel enternally greatful.I feel like a star!
its been ages since i entered Friendster,only just now i get to furnish it a little.not much really.I'm literally handing my account over to my brother,becasue he need it in search of hot babes,something he dwells on for these 3 months long holiday.Does viewing pretty girls a time killer for boys?Maybe i should do a survey
I cannot stand anymore paper.And why does it have to be malay out of all? I suck in malay.Its fine,if i have such daedal techniques like zai or atiqah.Perfect malay,perfect answers,perfect results.Fantastic isnt it?And whutsmore is that,they need not crack and melt their brains out for making sentences.I can visualise my results;1/9 or 3/9.tsk tski..*weeps*.Im a little dumb,if you guys are wondering.Now,allow me to bow my head down due to embarrassments of laughters.*SOBS*
my space seems a little cooler then friendster.Everyones having it now,and they're making more freinds then i do.No no,no my space doesnt means anti-socializing.Only dumbnuts think that way.I'm considering it,but probably not now,due to some laziness I secure in myself.Friendster is another boring window,I viewed some people's profile,and they have a turgid of pictures of themselves.Whats worst,every picture has the same pose.So whenever I clicked onto the next,it produces an emoticon-look-alike or a cartoon-picture-flipover.Yuck Yuck and Yuckks.Get a grip!
Currently alone at home,the books are waiting for me downstairs.Queens made my day.YEAY!haha.
Laterr bolongs
marfi @ 12:33 AM
Friday, May 19, 2006
pikim boy boy
i promised kim to draw a cartoon of him the other day.so here it is.i quickly did this after viewing mine in his blog

See!!..vengeance taste better whne served cold noe taik..ahahahah!!how?You love it?i bet u do.if u're wondering whats those black markings on your collar?well those are the torn material you bit off.dont you just love me more PIG-KIM? hahahha!at the edge loser!
marfi @ 12:26 AM
Sunday, May 07, 2006
the acts of circus
Boston Legal tasted as good as buttermilk sweets.The shows are refulgent,and i cant wait to dip in to their next episode.It's 12.32 now and I am on the computer blogging.And in the next 7 1/2 hours,i will be sitting in the hall on the 5th row form the left doing my history paper and F&N on the afternoon.Thank god i dont have trouble in the combination subject.
Lets just say,I had been studying the whole day.Only now,after a good shower I was able to grope on the tv.History,*sighs* an odium is what i bore with it now.
I'll catch up on blogging and you people more later,probably after these monstrous mid year exams gets me out of of this durance vile.
marfi @ 9:33 AM
Tuesday, May 02, 2006
initially, assembly was incresingly awesome,but as the minute beats down,i felt into my own slumberness and was caressed with a very gory dream.Someone giving birth.
I want to push that dream aside first.I am updating my blog only because jefferey's face is still on the display of everyone's screen and he want noone to go noticable about it.That is why i had to miserably update,although only a quarter of ideas is filled up in my mind.
So last saturday,me and my classmates gather around at sembawang park for claudia's little birthday celebration,not thinking to be selfish or worthless,we splurged the plan and claudia was berry berry happy.hehe(although,we had to wait 3 salutary hours for 3 very kind striplings!ugh,so much so,we wasted 3 supposed to be jovial hours waiting,swearing them.
However,the day pulled into the depths of soulness and purity when LDO performed their first impending gig.4 out of 10 was what proffesionals say,but im giving them a 6 for strong courage and hardwork.We then brought the day off to lau pa sat for satay and later,cuddled ourselves for star gazing,although there was only one,a blinking one.Some remained in their own silence while i lay and muffled out the incenssant shrill dampened by the day's cold swirling wind.Soon,my heart turned as heavy as the clinging wind.

Danny boy>as known as the live walking stick,strums aggressively with girls melting aimlessly .(he looked like a sick bear strugling for air)
Khairil>or should or must say,the girls- come- first- man.was gentle on stage,not so much of an attention seeker.
wan>I dont know what is he coming to,espiacilly when it comes to specific girls.made a huge shout out as strong veins potrude out of his neck when he sung,he did looked much handsome.
hakim/ying jin>blast his les paul,showing off to girls.although he kind off when unnoticable.oops.BUT!his daedal guitar techniques can make girls turn spoony though.
Im off the hook,waiting for my delivered pizza to come.good night people.Have fun with sex.
marfi @ 6:09 AM