Thursday, April 20, 2006
I laughed everytime i looked at this picture.Just look at jeff's face! i bet you're laughing now.Muke sundal sey.Look at the layer of fat under his jawline. Its overlapping his collar and those pair of irritating chinese sepet eyes which made an expression of "Ouh,come have sex with me,I'm feeling horny now...."Eeeee.Jeff jeff,you and your unscrudalous stupid lame antics.You make me laugh everyday.Closing my eyes to sleep last night,suddenly that stupidly horny mentel face came appearing in my mind.Then I was totally distracted,and the next second I was laughing alone in the dark.HAHAHAAHAHAHHAH!!. LOL! :D
marfi @ 8:50 AM
Wednesday, April 19, 2006
The atmosphere was tense as a drawn string,pulled tighter and tighter each minute.The struggle lasted for 1 hour 20minutes.I quickly make my way through the the shadowy light and then surface with 3 glitzy dishes on my hand.
Ouh well,i had my O level practical coursework just now in which i think i am very proud off.HEHE.The undescriable hardwork and rushing time made me the cast of rush our 3.heheh.Me and the rest then flopped to Mat's house for a while as Ain was to lazy to go to bad's place for cake-practice,so they shift the plan over to Mat's house and things got hectic.
Here are the 'glitzy' pictures of us and my 3 dishes.
there were alot more.Much more.I'm really exhausted already.
marfi @ 5:58 AM
A thundereous avenue scoured the lines of the heating track in no time as 5A2's 4 by 1 girls grope the first position and the boys third.I am going to bringyou down the pictures which are emblazoned with joy,laughter and melting lunatics of 5A2 CAMARADERIE!

marfi @ 5:34 AM
Saturday, April 15, 2006
i have a brother WHO'S A TOTAL BITCH!he Has a head OF a stray-dog,with the smell of fetor!
Suck on blood maniac.hope you POP DEAD BY A pernicious mental disorder.this time,its not like any other fight.Snatching over the remote control or something.I nearly lose my HEAD.
why cant he just get the fuck out?
marfi @ 8:35 AM
Friday, April 14, 2006
spoilt dinner
Boys dont seemed to quit that quickly,in another words they're rather very persistent.I bet all boys are the same.Girls,they will flick a little attitude to brush them off.(some of them)
Ouh well,town is a bored bore,unless you have some fashion catch up to cover together with lots of money.I hanked on town for a moment,just to see how well town has changed.It felt like ages ever since I been there.So anyway,me and gg shifted to Lau Pa Sat for satay and honey chicken for we feel like the cravings are emerging through our skins already.Just to let you know,there are a group of mats with unflattering visage working down there.And stupidly we got trap into their web.Shuts.
3 of them were so interested to gg,that subsequently they ordered a bellweather which was their friend to come sit with us and had a little chat.This guy his name is Fairuz.But i will be more preferable to call him Fairuz the beast.Cause he looked like one.He was gayly bragging about the theories of ill-mannered girls whom run away from him because he dosen't have parents.I wasn't even asking skunk.He was so indulged into the chat that he didn't realised he was actually enjoying himself.Nut cow.I was staring deep into his eyes which shows emmity cause I intially indirectly wanted him to get off the the chair and live us alone."awak ni melayu ke orang putih?asal awak macam sombong-sombong garang gitu?"Eeeee,geez,at that brief moment i felt like poking the satay stick right into his eyes.Kpo cb.I cant even eat in peace.i told him i was a mixed,and then he asked again.why all the mixed blood people he came acroos are all very sarcastic.well dont blame me cow,isnt that in our blood? as i put up a fake scottich ascent,when he asked whether my dad is a german or french.I told him Scottish.And OMG! he stupidly believed me!hahahahha!..i was close to tears of laughter,but i force myself to hold on to it.Bengap bengap.
For your f.y.i,out of all the guys i knew he was the worst guy with the worst pick up line who's interested in me.
Consequently, he was telling me how sweet i am when i smile,how pretty i look(i know thank you)although my dressing was very relax.In which he wanted my number,but i failed to give.My ass was getting really hot and irritated enough.We then left the area and he got back with the other claque.
marfi @ 11:50 PM
Tuesday, April 11, 2006
The credit cards in place of distress.Go live your life on the Internet.That's what it is.Conspiracies and mysteries.Science-fiction make-believe.My kind of misery.
People are running,a drunkard on the side of the road.
Fantasies or reality?
Analysis or theories?
What does it matter,really.
all these car crashes.
marfi @ 3:05 AM
Tuesday, April 04, 2006
here are different photos of the Sunday photoshoot. Have fun drooling.yucks!

suker syuh ketawe.suker?!(my impersonations of siti)haha!
marfi @ 7:08 AM
Monday, April 03, 2006
I was feeling compact,composed and alacrity for the first time in this year on monday,i wasnt late,which i usually do,my hair hair was pushed back to a ponytail neat and tight leaving only my fringe to add a little tinge of bittersweetness to my striking appearance,thanks to sharp features and chin you could cut diamonds on.But as soon as i reached school,the kids in my class were making me sail back to dreadness and pure boredom.In another words,they were fucked up.Duh,obviously i cant possibly titivate them out of their wounding ground and make them jump on their feet and sing along with me right? So there i was standing straight,eyes turning rebicund and anger pacing its speed very quickly,drowning me to my deathbed.Poor ayu..tsk tsk tsk : (
What's worst,Social Studies were'nt a cure either.So much for stapling a striking green notepaper over my pocket saying "I LOVE SOCIAL STUDIES"And what do i get? Nothing.So here's what really happened,one by one each group has to do their own explanatory on their various chapters.For my group,i was the representative,as usual.duh..(but i dont mind,i love being in the front of all hot seats)..I know social studies is all boring and Mr trevor's teaching methods and lame jokes were'nt a huge help either,so some of the students got entirely bored that they lay their heads lazily on the table..I dont mind at all know,cause I just wanna get the teaching done and over..Come to viknesh,he was bragging and dragging like an old wrinkled man,whom just got fired and the last pay wasn't high..Okay i understand up to this state,so what's wrong with whispering,it did help from dozing off and suddenly "can you SHUT UP,just shut up,i know im a student here,but for now im incharge" raging viknesh to poor raj..And everyone was like what the fuck?..sitting,watching him closely,i silently thought,dude ur not the king of us,so what if ur in charge,there's no need to squeeze a smelly-stinking stale cream out of your ass.we dont need to smell nor taste it..See you're just the Mr Know All!..temperemental pretentious scumbag!
Ouhkay much toned down now..Fuh!...glad its my gayboy brother's birthday today.He may sometimes be a total bitch,but i still love owe me a pair of shoes if you're reading this.nyeh! So here's a short birthday wish from your only irritating yet cute little sister to you! HAPPY 20TH BIRTHDAY ABANG!..hope you remain annoying,bitchy and black always..haha!(><)
WHY DO I HAVE TO EAT YESTERDAY'S FOOD? SO NYEH!..nemind i'll wait for the cake.hurhur.

marfi @ 1:09 AM
Sunday, April 02, 2006
i was dreaming gayly,as in visualising what is it going to be when i turn 18.As any normal other girls dream,i would be more than glad to have my own car or maybe my dad's to just roll around the nights district toether with my girls.That makes us girls way cooler then the boys who can go home way midnight..tsk tsk..And my mum slipping the curfew hours to 3 or 4 in the morning.My dad's cool with it,only my mummy,she'll be like"kau tak tau nk balek?hari kan dah gelap,kau perempuan tau?" what does 'perempuan' means to me anyway?all girls could think off is party and have you dunno like that(with e malay ascent in it)eeww...but i bet i'm ready to knock off when the mouse clock struck 1.heh.and i'll be dragging myself home,not considering driving.
Ouh well,my barbies knocked my dreamy-feely-dream away off the barbies were like bugging for a photoshoot,so these were the outcome after 3 long dreadful hours photoshooting my mentel barbies.nah.(- <)

There were more,but the download picture thingy suddenly turn crappy and super slow and my patience were running really before i blow up,i decide not to post the rest of the photos,which were the better ones..nyeh.sundal betol.I miss hakim's house,and only just now,then i could finally breathe the air of the Lee's home..So refreshing.Luckily i go kims house,or not i'll have no choice but to gobble hastily the sotong my mum cooked..eeee
marfi @ 6:17 AM