Wednesday, January 25, 2006

SEEN MY BARBIES??hoho.Barbies make my day.always.It has rather been a hobby to spend passionate time with them for hours.They are inrecondite,so whenever you speak from the root,they relate to the ineffable,see the invisible,understand the incomprehensible.=D *barbie gleening* See what i mean.Love them.;)
marfi @ 10:50 PM
Saturday, January 14, 2006
slumber shower
When all people are daintily stepping on waxed polished marble floors of ground shopping malls,here i am figuring out how to sweep it away.
I lean back,full of contentment,and am idly looking around every corner of my boxy room when an oddly familiar figure interrupts.I peer harder,as though the figure is there,and my skin starts to prickle in horror.I must be hallucinating,but the figure looked exactly like-
My cellphone beeped and my attention snaps back on set.I'm in a mess...and I..I dont know what to do and gave a shaky sigh.All the things i desperately not to think back are being thrust back in my mind. Desperately i thrust them back out again.
For an instant I feel like crying.Why ask me?But I can't crumble,I have to do this.I have to be strong.Bloody hell.Summoning all my strength,I allow myself to cry sympathetically.I swallow hard,trying to keep my voice sound steady.And suddenly they're all gone.And I'm left alone on the side table,exposed and vulnerable.All that is left is me,shrinking and frantically trying to avoid her eye.
My whole terrible,disorganized life.It's all there,isn't it?Waiting for a great big spider.Just waiting to pounce on me as soon as this advice-thing goes off.Everything that i have been burrying are now worming their way out to life back again.I cant wriggle anymore.Suddenly I feel almost too guilty,I want to be good.I want to get my life in shape.But fucking how?
marfi @ 1:28 AM
Thursday, January 12, 2006
put me into consideration please
I am taking this minor half and hour to flick out all that has been interrupting me;be it everything.
I AM SINKING SO BADLY that it became a potrait drewn on my face,where everyone can notice.They know im smothered in so much despair,its in my body language.I sense dubiety in them,in what they find about me whenever operation is in process.Dont conflate the present and past with the use of ingeniuos flashbacks,making me marshal my thoughts so deeply I could not barely cry.Dont doubt me as if im conspicously and reprehensibly bad.I have my senses,I have emotions flowing out.I dont want to be the center of a notable contretemps whom spill hallucinating sacrifices.So distressing.
I was wolfing down some hot chicken soup when a lady in singpore's post uniform walked pass summoning "eh girl.dont think too much when you're eating know."I am actually,thinking through the series of every minute i went through today.What sounds are these that sting as they caress, that irrupt into my soul and twine about my heart?
marfi @ 11:11 PM
Friday, January 06, 2006
Between the time of my first memory . . . and my second and third memories, I remember nothing. The lacunae of these years I've been able to fill sketchily from the entries in my baby book, which notes such incidents as my first smile.
What is it that you're paucity of?
I sensed that its time to step back,take stock,and try to entangle and think through a series of events,a great many which i have undergone with impassioned abandon and having you blindfolded;you dont see,because you never think.Your stupid and ugly enthusiasm made you display a factitious self.When you have made up your little mind,all the kings horses and all the kingsmen could not change that little pertinacious mind.It makes well-known witnesses pounder if you're faced with a Hobson's choice:Make the plunge ...or face a terrifying alternative-gradual extinction.Quickly boost to the brain mirror,and plunge yourself into the make-beings-feel enmasse pool.Without any significant fourthought,you can slip through anyone speechlessly and keep them burning for justice.
I'm feeling the tug growing stronger and stronger.You're so close that I can see you crying,and this isnt very clear because I'm flickering out all the nonchalance,which seems to be a pool of dripping tears.I feel the hook coming free,drawing out the silence that has swelled in my belly for 2 weeks now,and the moment I reach your embrace it burst from my lips in a frosty rusty trebled joy.'...........................................................!'I was shouting so loud that it drowns out everything but the drum of your heart beneath your ear.I heft you in my arms,smiling like a fool.I bury my face in your sweet neck,matching my memory with what is real.
Of course if all I pened down could be transform to reality,I mean it might but the overpowering satan is too intruding.Overcomed my anger and desperate vengeance,I ignite a soundless battle that may cause my focus to slip through.
Our virtues are most frequently but vices disguised.
marfi @ 12:31 AM
Tuesday, January 03, 2006
first day
Thank you gg for the beautiful and simple skin.Me love it a lot.Something cleaner and uncomplicative.I owe you one honey.
First day of school wasnt quite a blast.I still get to meet my old friends,but the feeling was slightly different this time.
I had to slam kim's head with my powerpuff girl file early in the morning,cause I feel his hair looked more like a porcupine with a bursting head.haha!..aww dont be offended kim.Other then that,the class got so much smaller that it seemed to look like a surrendered little line army of ants.Not so fascinating.Bad brought along her new straw volcom bag to school in which i think it fits perfectly on her.10 points for siti badiah!hooray!As for syuh,she didnt turned up today,she was sick.Having a cold or something.Probable reason;she miss the KL matrips.nyahhahahahah!!
Besides all those,I got settled into place when mrs goh came over and questioned "eh,how come you get fairer huh?What cream you use? fair huh" Thank you mrs goh on your pleseant complement.I dont i use any cream for the past months just cleansing and an extra one after my makeup.See,i dont want any pimples just clean face.No need for whitening cream,i think its rather useless.No offence to those who're reading and uses somekind of whitening lotion.Seriously,if you already have a pretty face,no need for heavy chemical touch ups.Take my advice,just drink lots and lots of water,eat healthily,exercise regularly and you'll be on your way to great image.And for those who already have a pretty face,keep on maintaning.Trust me.You ,would'nt wanna lose on that.
Some new orders are set.They customised an SMB socks,eeeww,thank god only the sec 1s are to wear them.nyenyenyenye!..What else is,each secondary levels are not according to place.Which means,they're evreywhere.All jumbled up.Thank god,us sec 5s remian in the fourth level.Peace and stress.hah.
I'm walking alone.No more morning phone calls.
marfi @ 12:16 AM