Sunday, February 18, 2007
Since I was down to say anything about anything.I shall say anything about the WEATHER!!
Beautiful weather here I come.
Rain rain..I want a saint
Sun sun..I want a son
Moon moon..I want a balloon
Snow snow..I want a show
Star star..I want a cookie jar
Wind wind..I want to win
Cloud cloud..I want to shout
Cold cold..I want to be bold
Hot hot..I want a shot!
Drizzle drizzle..I want to sizzle
Dark dark..HAKIM BARKS!!
teeheehee =) taik,lets go get ice cream after this k
Courtesy by: Hakim sotong and Ayu cute =)
marfi @ 11:14 PM
Thursday, February 01, 2007
Please forgive me for the incessant delay of posting people.I was really busy with my job to such an extent I didn't had time to share the little details of my issues.So on this blissful afternoon,I had set some time for a little talk out of the few things I have literally learnt when working,only during this off day.
Working with the few people from Giordano has definitely helped me to identify and assemble elements of effective communication.In that sense,communication with a problem person is similar to making a phone call.I'll have to dial all the numbers in the correct oreder if I want to get through. Leave just one digit and I will not get through.Yet,it is still possible to learn the number and dial correctly, and completelt transform interactions with people I can't stand.
People like The Tank:
Pushy and ruthless, loud and forceful or with the quiet intensity and surgical percision of a laser,the Tank assumes thet the end justifies the means.Expect no mercy.He is the Mr Area Manager.Suckhead.
The Sniper:
This covert operator identifies your weaknesses and uses them against you, through sabotage behind your back or well-aimed putdowns in front of the crowd.She is shop manager for one of the junior outlets.
The Know-It-All:
This person knows 98 percent of anything.Just ask! Know-It -Alls will tell you what they know-for hours at a time-but won't take a second to listen to your inferior ideas.He is Mr JC boy.yeah yeah,whatever.
The Yes Person:
Quick to agree,slow to deliver,the Yes Person leaves a trail of unkept commitments and broken promises.Though they say no one, Yes people overcommit to please.
TheNo Person:
They say that," What goes up must come down." And what conmes down must never be allowed to get back up again.Doleful and discouraging,they drive others to despair.
And The Whiner:
There's a plan for their lives, but they're not in it. Instead, they wallow in their woe, whine incessantly, and carry the weight of the world on their shoulders.He is the one and only Mr coakroach guy.I called him that cause he does look like one.No joke.heehee
Enough about work,there are the last few things which kept me insist to tell.Here's a heartfelt notice on how much I miss them.They are my friends:
Kim boy,I didnt have any picture of you alone so my last resort was to capture your pic and gg from her blog.Sorry kim boy boy.Same goes to Badd's pic,captured from Syuh's blog.
marfi @ 11:18 PM
Monday, January 01, 2007

marfi @ 10:40 AM
2006? What a year.However we still have to wave our hands meticulously goodbye and a welcome hand-hat party to 2007.
So anyway,hari raya haji had to come to a clash with new years eve.Much to a nightmare was that,I was barricading my thoughts on meeting gg and wan,eventually we met at 11.And when we boarded the train,suprisingly we had to breathe in the smell of beer which smell worst than cow dunk.ugh.
I clutched gg's fingers with ecstasy,fearing we might just get pushed around and got lost and my fading voice won't make a sign.After which we met with the other few girls and boys and made a wholesome shrill of glee,bawling happy new year and all.In the torrid heat of the night,noone felt the need to walk far or indulge in strenuous running.We patted delicately at the sweat on our brows and neck,and soon made a butt down to a little corner down old parliamant lane.
The boys were so set to head to chijmes that I felt like a salt easily dissolved into their influence.We soldiered our way there even though the old and ragged moon was telling me to set home,but it threw a hard light and shadow.And when we got there,my legs were already indicating tension,prudently didi and I scrabbled to the middle of the dance floor and start whirling our feets and hands to the dance beat.The music was getting more catchier untill our dance turn to a quadruple step.haha.Believe it or not,I was not sure whether he was a phillipine,but according to didi he was.Nevermind about that,he whimsically nailed into our group and started dancing whom I thought he only resembled the popular notion of a disgusting big over boiled potato.ugh.Much to the annihilation,I thought he was trying to get close with me and suddenly my glee turned to terror.For a while,I stood there in the same spot transfixed.
So that was what mostly happened for our new year party.I have pictures,but the computer simply refused to read my memory card.Sobs.
marfi @ 3:29 AM